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  • 13/03/2023 NeMo

    NeMo’s vision is to create a Hyper-Network of new and existing tools, models and services which will provide seamless interoperability of electro-mob...

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    13/02/2023 CRONUZ towards the new mobility challenges

    Applus+ IDIADA presents four new projects solutions focused to address the new challenges in sustainable mobility: Green Vehicle, Integrated Safety and Con...

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    In the framework for the cooperation between Korea and Spain, the MONOEYE project aims to develop, to demonstrate and to test a set of innovative, proactiv...

  • 30/11/2018 eCUB

    The aim of the eCUB project is to improve and design supercapacitors by increasing significantly its useful life and demonstrate the benefits of install su...

  • 31/10/2018 UPSCALE

    UPSCALE project (Upscaling Product development Simulation Capabilities exploiting Artificial intelligence for Electrified vehicles) will be executed over t...

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